Any Occasion Card Let’s Go Feral
Well we've all been there, stuck in a pot, stuck in a tree, makin friends with gnomes. It's what happens when we go out and go feral.
Send this to the one you go feral with, the one who you have the best adventures with, the one who says let's go for one and you end up 30 postcodes away 3 days later.
Our best stories are from when we were at our most feral. Write a paragraph about the time you went feral with them and send them this card.
Our cards are A5 and come directly to you in a 'DO NOT BEND' envelope so your postie is aware they are transporting precious cargo. An envelope as well as your card will be inside, all ready for you to add your personal finishing touch to, all you need to do then is slap your tongue round the envelope flap and stick it down or tuck it in if you're not a tonguer and you're good to go.